Few links and basic things to start you in finance
The question comes up "well, where do I start to learn more about the basics" here's a list, and it is by no means all-inclusive.
Investopedia ( https://www.investopedia.com/ ) - This is Wikipedia for finance, start here and click around to learn terms, etc.
https://www.bloomberg.com/ - everyone's go-to, we all know they pump up the market fear for clicks, but the information is still relevant.
https://www.zerohedge.com/ - reliable news about finance and economics
https://www.wsj.com/ - The Wall Street Journal is a staple, and they have robust email newsletters that are free.
Podcasts -
Macrovoices ( https://www.macrovoices.com/ ) - just a personal favorite of mine. Hits things that don't usually come up elsewhere. And they have slides to accompany them.
SA Wall Street Breakfast ( https://seekingalpha.com/market-news/wall-street-breakfast ) - quick morning take before the market opens. There's probably better, but this will do.
The Economist ( https://www.economist.com/podcasts/ ) - A great magazine, as well as good quick morning podcasts.
Newsletter -
Morning Brew ( https://www.morningbrew.com/ ) - They need to pay me before I wholeheartedly give them all this free press. But a good newsletter delivered every morning.